Tuesday 27 September 2016

End of week Evaluation + What Makes People Fell Visually Uncomfortable

I understand that we have tested out things such as Premier, photoshop within the first week to see if we like the software.
In the terms of Media I see myself looking at possibly producing either a photography outcome or a video on premiere. Whilst doing this week I find it has given me an insight into the fact that I like producing videos.
I think I have used my time in the studio to the best of my ability. I have used the software on the computers which aren’t available in other areas such as the library.
I don’t find the skills developed in the drawing week have been useful during this week as I have mostly done thing digitally.
I find the artist references have helped me to produce the right outcome to the brief.
When working on premiere and photoshop I didn’t write down notes for photoshop as I already had a basic understanding of how to use it and have used it in more advanced methods. I wrote down notes on how to use premiere as it was my first time using it, it will be helpful to look back at notes if I use it in future. 

Next week I could continue to explore a range of material and media to expand my insight on media.

Visually Uncomfortable 

In Films like horror/thriller visual and sounds work together to create the right atmosphere for the audience to feel scared.

Horror films are best at manipulating our feelings.
They use disonet screeching sounds and chords that emulate animals that are in distress (inharmonious and harsh sounding tracks).
Infrasound is one of the sounds used to make us feel effects such as: chills, anxiety, depression and nausea.

When creating my next short film I want to add infrasound to the background to make the viewers feel more uncomfortable hearing the soundtrack.

I have asked people what they find uncomfortable to watch in films, or in everyday situations. I have created mindmap and will use it to help inspire my film.

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