Tuesday 27 September 2016

Final Outcome and Evaluation

Project Review

Research Methodologies:
Within my research I have looked up artists, watched videos, read articles, and asked questions from people around me.

Ideas Development:
From looking at my artists I was inspired to think of several possible outcomes. I got the idea of creating double exposure pictures using Photoshop. Joachim Schmid gave me the idea to use two separate photos to show hidden emotions. Penelope Umbrico gave me the idea to use a series of photographs of a person dressed differently or pulling emotions to show different personalities. David Lynch and Janet Cardiff gave me the idea to use audio and video within my work to produce something that might be seen as disturbing.

Materials and methods Explored:
I have explored a range of different things within my media project such as: Premiere – editing Audio and Video, Photoshop – editing to create a moodboard, Recordings, Audacity – editing software, projector and a smartphone projector, camera, polaroid and a hand scanner.

Evaluation and Reflection:
I have produced a short film that is meant to be engaging with the audience visually and with sound. I focused mainly on using premiere for my final outcome. I have used primary and secondary (public domain) audio and videos to put together my film.
I like how the film had turned out, it makes me feel somewhat uneasy watching it. I first created the Audio then adapted the film and pictures to fit in with certain sounds. This way I could make it so the viewer has to keep watching the man talking so they don’t miss any flashing footage.
Some areas within my audio could have been better, as well as the general video. I think if I were to produce another video I would keep the same method of making it but alter the types of videos used by either just using old footage or just my own instead of the two.

My intention was to produce a short film that will make the viewer feel uncomfortable and draw them into the video. I want to get a reaction from the viewers. I want to make the viewer create their own story behind the audio, although it has imagery, I want the viewer to look deeper within the film.

My audience are people above the age of 15.  Anyone with epilepsy should not watch the final video as it has flashing images and watch it at their own risk.

My theme in this project is horror/thriller and the mind.

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