Tuesday 27 September 2016

Joachim Schmid

Joachim Schmid is an artist based in Berlin who has works with found photography. Most of his projects have involved gathering and re-presenting photographs, both prints and digital, taken by anonymous public.
Schmid has created an ‘Anti-Museum’ of forgotten, lost and disused photographs to challenge us to not only consider our assumptions on photographic worth, but also how photography ad collections function as cultural practices.

I love the idea of using old photographs in a new way, I find that his photographs of two different images put together, has given me the idea to use old and new photographs. I could either use images of the internet or make it personal in the sense of taking old pictures from photo albums, then put them with photographs from the past few years. This will give a sense of time and age to the outcome as well as a almost contemporary outcome. 

From <http://www.nowseethis.org/invisiblephoto/posts/678/essay/13>


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