Tuesday 27 September 2016


Using a word generator website (map.what3words.com), I have created a mindmap of different words I found linked to known, swim, and thigh. I googled sci-fi/fantasy and anatomy, what caught my eye was Christopher Stolls digital artwork. He has taken cute Pokemon and revealed the anatomy, as well as producin the structure of mythical creatures anatomy. 
I have taken some of these images and placed them into Photoshop to produce a moodboard. i have saved several versionsas i editied and moved things around on the moodboard. i have used the crop tool, paint bucket, altered the size offf the images and used layers, using levels-hue/saturation/brightness etc.

After piling up the pictures into photoshop i organised them into a proportional layout and adjusted the sizes to fit them all in. I found using black and white within as a background colour both over powered or blended with the pictures. The grey background did a better job at displaying a few images but almost made it so three of the pictures blended with the background too much.

To make the pictures stand out i have used the gradient tool, the colours used fit perfectly as they allow the pictures to take attention within the moodboard.

I played around with the hue/saturation colours, I love the outcome of the first and third outcome, one has a very high saturation meaning its primary colours radiate off the page whilst the hue of other one is changed leaving so that all of the images have a form of pink in them. I dislike the grey one as it makes it look dull and rather boring compared to all of the other outcomes possible.

I have selected an image then added a shadow on it, i then decided to select all of the page and add on the shadow effect. I dislike the effect of it being on all of the page but i see how it can be used on one photo alone. I have made sure to use layers throughout using Photoshop so its easy to adjust images and have backup ones ready if i decide to change my mind. uing a circular shape i have cropped off the edges of all of the pictures.

I disliked the outcome when i had all of the images with the crop effect. So i combined the layers I felt looked best for the moodboard.

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